Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museum
Add reviewL_DIS_REVIEW_BY Roshan 17:57 06.03.2016
sir iam ur student i
sir iam ur student iam gtniteg 291 marks recent group two.iam belong to sc categery zone. any chace to gtniteg non executive job.send me reply sir than u
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Willi 17:55 06.03.2016
I experienced the sa
I experienced the same prbolems as other people but I can understand the demand and thanks for letting us know that you're working on the problem. The only thing I'm slightly worried about is that although I got my paypal confirmation, I didn't receive any sort of order confirmation from LOTV. Is that all OK?!?! Marie x
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Cristina 17:16 06.03.2016
I got my order throu
I got my order through at 6 am UK time - again, got a paapyl confirmation and a receipt from LOTV with the order number. Maybe I was one of the lucky ones? Can't wait to play - must have been awful trying to process all of the orders and get the in the post.... maybe we'll have to wait a while! HugsChristine x
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Rajendra 17:15 06.03.2016
Luckily my order eve
Luckily my order eventually went thurogh, hopefully!!! Haven't received confirmation from LOTV but paypal confirmed. Stayed up till midnight and eventually got the whole order sorted by 01h30 after being kicked out a million times rofl!! Just perservered!! Can't wait to receive them now. Lotsa luv xxxx
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Manz 19:21 04.03.2016
Hi Kay,You can join
Hi Kay,You can join an online corsue or book a personal session with me via skype. I often work with people based in Australia in this way.I don't have any teachers offering workshops or corsues there, but if you want a space clearing or clutter clearing consultation in your home, I can highly recommend , who is a certified practitioner.
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Shinichi 17:54 04.03.2016
I have found this to
I have found this to be so true! I know that there are a lot of emotions biuerd in my clutter. Years ago I had a box of stuff to clean out. I procrastinated because I really felt I would feel a lot of anger if I did it and didn't want to deal with that at the time. Fascinatingly what happened when I actually did it was that feelings of profound sadness came up. Recently I have been clearing more things. I feel some nervousness before I let them go but then a feeling of joy afterwards. A nice change:)I will say that one thing that amazed me is that I finally did my own space clearing after having one of Karen's trained people do one a year ago. It was so exciting to see that I could change the energy myself. A few days after doing it I had to find something and dumped a few odds and ends on the floor. I did not clean them up immediately as I had to go out. The fascinating thing with that was that when I came back to deal with it I could feel the stuck, yucky, heavy energy around the stuff on the floor as opposed to the room as a whole. It was amazing!