Combe Mill – Oxfordshire
Add reviewL_DIS_REVIEW_BY Saba 17:58 06.03.2016
Hola Bev,he llegado
Hola Bev,he llegado a tu Blog por merio de otro Blog que sigo, me anoto en tu srtoeo y me llevo la info a mi blog, te dejo muchos abrazos, desde El Salvador Centro America!!!!!Con carif1o.
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Zanzan 17:17 06.03.2016
Liebe Monika Deine K
Liebe Monika Deine Karte ist ein Traum und mit meiner Lieblingsfarbe "blau" soiweso. ;-) Also den sogenannten "Rahmen" um das Motiv finde ich genial. Bin total begeistert. BRAVO!Ganz en liebe4 Gruess und es schf6ns Wuchene4ndPati
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Niko 22:23 04.03.2016
Hi,I would like to e
Hi,I would like to email you an image that I believe is yours. I can't find it on iskchtpooto to purchase. I would also like to discuss with you re your fees for custom illustration. Thanks.
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Oscar 15:14 04.03.2016
Hello KimI am workin
Hello KimI am working on densiigng a logo and banner for my business. I have been admiring an image of yours on iStockphoto File #16742067 Vetta stock vector Woman on scooter with dog, clouds in background. Do you design logos and banners? I would like a wall image design (180 width X 540 height) plus a logo featuring the same elements.My business concept is Projects for Professionals focused on working in the cloud (internet applications). I haven't come up with the right tag line yet, but will when I find my designer.What I like about this particular design is the youthful fun but determination and confidence it offers. The background would need the clouds. My company name is Vicadea Concepts.Please let me know if you are available for design and your costing parameters.With Appreciation,Carrie Drybrough