Hertford Castle
Add reviewL_DIS_REVIEW_BY Dragon 22:59 09.03.2017
That's really
That's really thkining at a high level
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Smiley 03:45 27.02.2017
Members can download
Members can download the free pattern of the month from the page link under the Free Membership Pattern menu item. As you can see, this page that you are writing from is the Store (i.e. where patterns are sold, and are available for purchase by noe-rnmbems as well).
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Nairon 17:55 06.03.2016
I cannot
I cannot beileve everyone is getting ready for the "C" word, I am going to have to get my head around it as it does not even feel at the moment like summer!!Great stamps, these bears are just soooo cute!! xxx
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Diana 17:15 06.03.2016
Hiya Bev,How are you
Hiya Bev,How are you? Have you recovered from your trip to Doncaster?You such a busy lady but you alawys seem to find the time to give lush candy away & keep us up to date!Thank you sooo much for the chance to win.Take carebig hugsCasperxxx
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Ewald 17:37 04.03.2016
Seb,Thank You. We a
Seb,Thank You. We are very happy with the way things are going. You guys have been so helufpl.Getting some higher valued items ready to list.Still a little shy about the auctions, but they will come at some point.Thanks for all your encouragement!Lisa
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Kian 15:31 04.03.2016
Kevin, surely you qa
Kevin, surely you qaliufy for SOMETHING! Good heavens, there has to be some system in place to help you. My friend here was declared "indigent" locally and was able to have needed surgery.I'll have my daughter investigate. She is good at it. LOL
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Romualdo 23:28 01.08.2015
I know exactly what
I know exactly what you mean, I have bins full of diacdrss that cannot be revived or hidden, even my ornament I have currently on my blog for this hop is flawed. You have done well and inspired me to try and attempt this version that I have seen online so many times in the form of a pumpkin or appleBridget
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Nano 20:14 01.08.2015
Oh my giddy aunt Gun
Oh my giddy aunt Gunn - this is divine - I love the fact that you have joenid us on the Blog Hop - and then to get greeted with this elegant ornament - well done my friend!! It is lovely to see you crafting again with your usual fabulous flair! Thank you for inspiring - I am going to have to case this - but you knew that didn't you! {{{hugs}}}