Add reviewL_DIS_REVIEW_BY JamesuPen 20:03 03.08.2022
Are you 18? Come in and don't be shy!
Welcome to the world of adult Dating loveawake.ru
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Sandrahourn 05:51 24.02.2021
Hi! Only from 18+!
Russian actor Panin is seen on an erotic resource loveawake.ru
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Sailor 17:58 06.03.2016
This image is adorab
This image is adorable and I love all the 'bellies, esplciaely the hanging charm! I'm sorry, but I can't pick a fave LOTV stamp - I LOVE all the bears - they are so cute!!
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Nara 17:17 06.03.2016
Love that card & ted
Love that card & teddy with flower! - I love the LOTV stpmas - my fav (and most used) at the moment is the wedding couple - I used it to make all my Thank You cards after I got married in May. But William the Sheep is coming in at a close 2nd!
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Serpent 21:35 04.03.2016
Thanks for the chanc
Thanks for the chance, the SK spamts are so adorable and everyone of them reminds me of my childhood when we collected stickers - I still have the album, albeit it is not ful. So sorry about Toby :(Kitty