Add reviewL_DIS_REVIEW_BY Viviana 17:58 06.03.2016
Ce9sar Vidal como l
Ce9sar Vidal como libro favorito? Si "eso" es luarrttiea, Shakespeare era corredor de bolsa.De Ce9sar Vidal no se salva de la quema ninguno de sus libros, especialmente "Artorius", de rigor histf3rico nulo. Ni para pisapapeles.Jame1s he leeddo libro tan burdo, comercial y falso sobre la compleja historia de Arturo, que CV re1pidamente despacha al entender que fue romano y ya este1. Typical spanish.
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Mero 17:57 06.03.2016
Hmm But it's open t
Hmm But it's open to everyone! I know a lot of the exithibs are obviously aimed at students studying specific courses, for which they have already learnt the key facts, and so require no explanations, but it's not really fair on the rest of us. The university natural history museum in Oxford has plenty of explanations and information panels, and that museum serves the same purpose. The fact that tons of things aren't even labelled clearly in Cambridge, regardless of any explanation, is unhelpful. And it doesn't really encourage repeat visits. If only I knew all about zoology I would offer to label everything myself Alas.
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Triinu 17:17 06.03.2016
Imagino que debereda
Imagino que debereda ser cuestif3n de gousts, como todas las cosas. A med me gusta me1s el Ce9sar Vidal en sus libros histf3ricos que en sus novelas. Afan ased, he disfrutado con novelas como "La ciudad del Azahar", ya que casi siempre aporta una perspectiva novedosa sobre episodios histf3ricos. En cuanto a "Artorius", no es de la mejores, aunque no creo que se despache simplemente con que es romano y ya este1. Al final de la novela, como hace siempre, aclara el contexto histf3rico, separando realidad y ficcif3n. Y, sed, "Lincoln" es uno de mis libros favoritos, una aute9ntica joya que no me cansare9 de recomendar.
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Erica 17:16 06.03.2016
He hehehee this is s
He hehehee this is sooo cute I love the litlte accents of white you add just brings it to life! love the colours too!.... Love the teddy but as for my favourite stamps it has to be the boys ones and Hanging Around, is just the best! thanks for the chance of being a blog hop hopeful winner! samantha :0)
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Jenniferlady 22:11 04.03.2016
What does that say a
What does that say about your club that you would even think of calling a 29 year old mrcrenaey with a couple of years left in him a legend? What does that say about the genuine life long legends that you've had? Either you're a fool or your club has lost its way. He's not a legend, he's a talented player that went after the cash. Believe me if Arsenal offered him the money you lot gave him he would have stayed And this us from an Everton fan.
L_DIS_REVIEW_BY Moymoy 18:54 04.03.2016
Thank you my friend,
Thank you my friend, for your worednful words about me and my work. It was my pleasure to use your fabulous stamps in my project! You are the best and it's MY honor to call you my friend! Love you!!!